



ata Speccification according to production Model

1. Environment for Using Equipment: Use it under indoor temperature standard of less than 30℃
2. Environment of Using Cooling Water (Recommendation): IN line (less than 25℃, OUT line (less than 32℃)
3. SCP-2000 (identical with pfc-1100LT) reduces the costs of electricity as well as of maintenance (the capacity of chiller) by half comparing to the other existing equipments made by different manufacturers. So then it saves annual maintenance costs per unit system at about 3 Million Won. (For the use of replacement with the existing equipments)
4. SCP-3000 represents a mixed type of heat having applied polycold (pfc-1100LT, HC) thereto.

The Speccification of the Product that represnts Samsung Freezer

论坛| 满城县| 高要市| 保德县| 沁水县| 武功县| 来凤县| 阳曲县| 惠来县| 灌阳县| 乌拉特中旗| 沅陵县| 正宁县| 芷江| 曲沃县| 嘉兴市| 古田县| 潮安县| 班戈县| 玛沁县| 昆明市| 获嘉县| 石城县| 磴口县| 石林| 丁青县| 汶上县| 西城区| 蓬安县| 宁阳县| 闽侯县| 东方市| 安阳县| 宁晋县| 龙门县| 景东| 家居| 青龙| 仁寿县| 乐山市| 忻城县|